Мировая федерация бадминтона BWF опробует новое экспериментальное правило подачи с ограниченным по высоте положением волана с 1 марта 2018 года. Окончательное решение по этому вопросу было принято после долгих совещаний на собрании федерации на Ямайке. Изменения в правила подачи будут представлены до ежегодного общего собрания BWF в мае следующего года. Главное изменение гласит:
"весь волан должен находиться ниже 115 сантиметров от корта в момент удара по нему ракеткой".
Первое событие BWF, на котором будет применено это правило, будет YONEX All England Open Badminton Championships 2018. Тестирование нового правила продлится весь год. "Подача является неотъемлемой частью бадминтона. На протяжении многих лет мы искали способы сделать правила подачи более четкими," сказал президент BWF Poul-Erik Høyer. "Поэтому, после длительного обсуждения, Совет федерации решил опробовать новое правило 115 см. Надеемся, что это принесет только положительный эффект."
Отметим, что не всем высоким игрокам это нововведение понравилось, Аксельсену точно =)
Выдержка из новых правил про подачу:
9.1 In a correct service,
9.1.1 neither side shall cause undue delay to the delivery of the service once the server and the
receiver are ready for the service.
9.1.2 on completion of the backward movement of the server’s racket head, any delay in the start
of the service (Law 9.2) shall be considered to be an undue delay;
9.1.3 the server and the receiver shall stand within diagonally opposite service courts (Diagram A)
without touching the boundary lines of these service courts; In Para-badminton Wheelchair and Standing Classes playing half-court, Diagram
D and F, respectively, apply.
9.1.4 some part of both feet of the server and the receiver shall remain in contact with the surface of the
court in a stationary position from the start of the service (Law 9.2) until the service is delivered
(Law 9.3); In Wheelchair Badminton: from the start of the service and until the service is
delivered, the wheels of the server and the receiver must be stationary, except the
natural counter movement of the server’s wheelchair.
9.1.5 the server’s racket shall initially hit the base of the shuttle;
9.1.6 the whole shuttle shall be below 1.15 metres from the surface of the court at the instant of being hit
by the server’s racket; In Wheelchair Badminton, the whole shuttle shall be below the server’s armpit at the instant
of being hit by the server’s racket;
9.1.7 the movement of the server’s racket shall continue forwards from the start of the service
(Law 9.2) until the service is delivered (Law 9.3);
9.1.8 the flight of the shuttle shall be upwards from the server’s racket to pass over the net so that,
if not intercepted, it shall land in the receiver’s service court (i.e. on or within the boundary
lines); and
9.1.9 in attempting to serve, the server shall not miss the shuttle.
9.2 Once the players are ready for the service, the first forward movement of the server’s racket head shall
be the start of the service.
9.3 Once started (Law 9.2), the service is delivered when the shuttle is hit by the server’s racket or, in
attempting to serve, the server misses the shuttle.
9.4 The server shall not serve before the receiver is ready. However, the receiver shall be considered to
have been ready if a return of the service is attempted.
9.5 In doubles, during the delivery of service (Law 9.2, 9.3), the partners may take up any positions within
their respective courts, which do not unsight the opposing server or receiver.
10.1 Serving and receiving courts
10.1.1 The players shall serve from, and receive in, their respective right service courts when the
server has not scored or has scored an even number of points in that game.
10.1.2 The players shall serve from, and receive in, their respective left service courts when the
server has scored an odd number of points in that game.
10.1.3 In Para-badminton Classes playing half-court, the server and receiver shall serve from and
receive in their respective service courts.
10.2 Order of play and position on court
10.2.1 In a rally, the shuttle may be hit by the server and the receiver alternately, from any position
on that player’s side of the net, until the shuttle ceases to be in play (Law 15).
10.3 Scoring and serving
10.3.1 If the server wins a rally (Law 7.3), the server shall score a point. The server shall then serve
again from the alternate service court.
10.3.2 If the receiver wins a rally (Law 7.3), the receiver shall score a point. The receiver shall then
become the new server.
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