White Nights 2019
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Ссылка на tournament:
- MD
- MS
- WD
- WS
- XD
- Elite
- Любой
Уважаемые любители бадминтона!
Приглашаем вас увидеть игры профессионалов! В г.Гатчина с 10 по 14 июля 2019г. будет проходить международный турнир уровня Челенджер по бадминтону с призовым фондом 25000 долларов - White Nights - 2019.
Приветствуется любая фанатская атрибутика, можно будет взять автографы у спортсменов.
Вход свободный.
Sports Hall "Arena", Generala Knysha Street 14A, Gatchina, St-Petersburg region(Matches on-line: YouTube channel – “Gatchinskii sport”)
USD 25 000
National Badminton Federation of Russia, Moscow, Luznetskaya nab.8, 411
Phone/fax: +7 495 637-9204, E-mail: [email protected]
St-Petersburg reg. Badminton Federation
St-Petersburg reg., Gatchina, Generala Knysha str. 14a
Phone: +7 921 321 07 62, Fax/Tel: + 7 8137171622
E-mail: [email protected]
Official Web-site:
- Visa support deadline: 10 June 2019
- Hotel reservation deadline: 15 June 2019
- Entry deadline: 11 June 2019
- World Ranking date used for M&Q Report: 11 June 2019
- M&Q Report Release Date: 14 June 2019
- World Ranking date used for seeding/draw: 18 June 2019
- Last day of withdrawal without penalty: 24 June 2019
- Draw Date: 25 June 2019
REFEREE: Christos Evangelidis (GRE) - [email protected]
Players from National Associations, accepted by the BWF are allowed to attend the event.
ENTRIES: until 11 June 2019 at 23.59 BWF Headquarters time.
Link: https://bwf.tournamentsoftware.com/sport/tournament.aspx?id=232D7E9C-48BD-4C5D-80F1-4D0795216AA2
No late entries will be accepted.
Players cannot be entered unless they already have a BWF ID-number. In case you wish to enter players who do not have a BWF ID-number, please contact the BWF office well in advance of the tournament, so that the players concerned can get a BWF ID-number before the closing date of the tournament.
Men's singles, Women's singles, Men's doubles, Women's doubles and Mixed doubles. It is required that every event in a particular BEC Elite Circuit tournament has at least 8 competitors. If the required number of competitors is not met, this particular event shall not count towards any ranking.
Men's singles 48, Women's singles 48, Men's doubles 32 (PAIRS), Women's doubles 32 (PAIRS), Mixed doubles 32 (PAIRS). This indicates the maximum numbers of players/pairs in the main draw in the respective events.
Regarding EF you have to follow Badminton Europe Elite Circuit regulations 17.1 and 17.2: The Member Association that enters a player into a BEC Elite Circuit tournament is responsible for paying the entry fees for that player. The entry fees become due if a player is entered and has not been withdrawn when the entry deadline passes. The entry fees will not be refunded in the case of a withdrawal.
Euro/player in single 50 euro
Euro/player in double 45 euro
All entrees should be paid by cash to organizers. Bank transfers are impossible.
Prize money division: All prize money is paid in cash in US-Dollars ($)
| MS | WS | MD | WD | XD |
Winner | 2000 | 2000 | 2250 | 2250 | 2250 |
Runner up | 1200 | 1200 | 1500 | 1500 | 1500 |
SF | 500 | 500 | 625 | 625 | 625 |
QF | 200 | 200 |
No taxes will be deducted.
NUMBER OF COURTS: 4 courts. Brand - Gerflor Taraflex Badminton
Any withdrawal after the Monday immediately preceding the draw, for any reason whatsoever, renders the Member Association concerned liable to an amount of US$ 150,00 for the inconvenience caused by the withdrawal (as defined in BWF General Competition Regulations).
Any player not showing up at the tournament, without having been withdrawn in advance, renders the Member Association concerned liable to an additional amount of US$ 500,00 for the inconvenience caused by the “no show” (as defined in BWF General Competition Regulations).
After entering a player(s) in the tournaments it is the Member Nation's responsibility to secure visas for their players - if this is needed. Make sure that visa applications are made early enough.
Contact the organizers about visa support if needed. Important: to get invitation you need to fill “Visa form” and sent it to [email protected]until 10 June. For most of countries it is much simpler to get “tourist visa” kind than “sport visa” kind.
Pulkovo airport (St. Petersburg). We provide free transportation from airport to official hotels for participants, coaches and officials. For others the price is 15 euro.
Please reserve on time not later than June 28 by sending information to: [email protected]
Color, design, lettering and advertising on clothing shall be regulated by BWF General Competition Regulations § 20 to 24. Any breach of these regulations will be forwarded to BWF.
It is mandatory that partners in doubles wear the same color of the T-shirt and shorts/skirts at all time during play in both the qualification and the main draw. Failing to do so shall result in an administrative fine of 100,00 EUR.
In applying these regulations the decision of the Referee shall be final.
RSL Classic Tourney
According with BWF’s “Players’ Code of Conduct” and “Code of Conduct for Coaches & Officials”: 4.5. Betting, Wagering and Irregular Match Results: Players have obligations to protect the integrity of badminton. Under this Code of Conduct, Players must follow all the provisions of the Code of Conduct in Relation to Betting, Wagering and Irregular Match Results (BWF Statutes, Section 2.4).3. SPECIFIC PROVISIONS FOR CONDUCT Technical Officials are required to follow the specific provisions as outlined in the Code of Conduct: Follow the provisions of the Code of Conduct in Relation to Betting, Wagering and Irregular Match Results.
Participants must arrange their own insurance for health, travel and property.
3.6 Member Association and/or Organizer may be liable for claims originating from the damages incurred by the participants and/or any other persons, arising from or in connection to the particular BEC Elite Circuit tournament, according to local Law. BADMINTON EUROPE is not liable for any such claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to injury or loss to person or property, arising out of or in any way related, directly or indirectly, to the particular BEC Elite Circuit tournament. It is recommended that Member Associations and/or Organizers purchase a proper Insurance Policy that would cover their potential legal liability.
09 July (Tuesday): arrivals and practice
10 July (Wednesday): qualifications 09.00
11 July (Thursday): 09.00 1st round XD, 11.40 1st round MS/WS, 17.00 1stround MD/WD
12 July (Friday): 09.00 2nd round XD, 11.30 2nd round MS/WS, 16.00 2nd round MD/WD, 19.00 3d round MS/WS
13 July (Saturday): 10.00 quarter finals, 16.00 semi finals
14 July (Sunday): finals 10.00
The final frame schedule shall be made at least 20 days before the start of the tournament and shall be published on the organizer’s website.
Please refer to the Badminton Europe Elite Circuit Regulations 9.5 regarding players’ departure: Players shall not plan their departure less than two (2) hours after their last match is planned to conclude. If a player is unable to compete due to early departure, he/she will be penalized by removal of Elite Circuit ranking points and shall not be awarded prizes or prize money. BADMINTON EUROPE shall propose to BWF that the gained BWF ranking points are also removed.
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